Louis Moncrieff

This is the true essence of your future success.
Our CAREWARE is the unique ingredient that not only makes us different, but makes you and your business the difference too.
It's really all about care.
Caring for you, our customer.
We take care when listening to you and your needs,
and provide ongoing care and maintenance of the hardware and software that make up the IT infrastructure.
We care that your Antivirus is appropriate and efficient. Co-Creative IT provides hardware support (Hardware maintenance) and we take care during our meetings to make sure we are all on the same page.
Co-Creative IT is caring enough to find the best ingredients for the best solution.
Careware is the combination of hardware, software and service provision to create a solution for you, our customer.
We also provide on-premise IT infrastructure with Hybrid Cloud or Cloud to meet the customer's experience needs - now, and in the future.
Our FIVE stages of engagement:
Listening to you to understand your business needs your future business goals
Reviewing and documenting your current IT environment
Solution Proposal
Project delivery and integration timeline
Project documentation and customer feedback